Heads Up: High-End Men’s Jewelry Pieces Are the New Luxury Items of 2018

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Heads Up: High-End Men’s Jewelry Pieces Are the New Luxury Items of 2018

It’s 2018. And men are getting in on the jewelry game.

The real truth is that men have been decorating their bodies since the beginning of time. Mammoth tusks, shells, colored pebbles, and animal bones once adorned the bodies of prehistoric humans.

And then precious metal was discovered. And things really got wild.

In centuries past, kings, chiefs, warriors, shaman, generals, and other important men always wore jewelry. Even on recently-discovered mummies and other buried dead, archaeologists have consistently found the most intricate, fanciful, ornate jewelry piece — usually men. Jewelry is also depicted in sculptures, paintings, mosaics, murals — pretty much any image of men throughout time has included jewelry.

In short, jewelry has always been a man’s thing. Except until recently.

Cue the 1940s and 50s and you get boring, assembly-line-made suits. The same straight lines, the same boring colors. Every man might as well be the same because they all look the same. In the 60s and 70s, some men ventured into jewelry — hippies wore necklaces and rings. Punk rockers in the 80s donned earrings and bracelets.

But for the most part — in mainstream life — jewelry has unfortunately been “strictly a women’s things.” Save for select, iconic style-setters like Steven Tyler, Jay Z, Lenny Kravitz, and a few others, women wore jewelry, and men wore watches. Maybe a wedding band. Maybe a chain necklace. It was a boring existence.

But today, the tides are turning.

In 2018, men’s jewelry is becoming one of the fastest growing trends to hit the fashion marketplace. Men of all style sets and classes are looking for rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and more to offset the decades they’ve had to go without being able to stylishly adorn their bodies with jewelry.

Below, we’ll outline some of the reasons why this shift in male trends has been occurring, and we’ll give you some tips for getting into the luxury jewelry game yourself.

But first, let’s get one thing straight … who is orchestrating this change in men’s fashion? Because we’d like to thank them.

Locating the Ringleaders of Male Fashion 

Understanding where fashion comes from is no simple affair. One might guess it’s from the runways of Paris or Milan. And one might be right in many cases. Runways are often full of stylish trends that are at first, a shock, but that will soon be seen on the streets of other, smaller cities throughout North America — as everyday styles.

And that’s certainly what we’re seeing now à la men’s jewelry: Runways frequently depicting men’s earrings, necklaces, pins and other bling. Soon, these will make their way to other countries and even middle-sized cities and small towns.

But runways aren’t always where the trends come from. Today, more than ever, styles in men’s fashion can be traced back to social media. Particularly? Instagram.

Regard any number of style setters’ accounts on Instagram, and you’ll see what we mean.

From Gully Guy Leo, 14-year-old streetwear guru of rural Warwickshire or dapper New Yorker Adam Gallagher, to pretty boy model Oliver Cheshire, men’s jewelry is everywhere on the pages of Instagram. Their followers are, well, following their lead too.

And finally, we have our hip-hop and rock style icons — choosing to don their bling today, more than ever before. Taking cues from past rockers like Prince, LL Cool J, Billy Idol, and even Elvis, singers and musical artists these days don’t shy away from showing their style through jewelry.

With rap more popular than ever, it’s only natural that these trends begin to permeate the masses. Custom men’s bracelets are selling like hotcakes, and multiple rings on each hand are all the rage as well.

The Real Reasons Why Men’s Jewelry Is Exploding in Popularity in 2018

So why is 2018 the year for men’s jewelry?

  1. We’re a global society — and when jewelry is hitting center stage in Europe, it’s only a matter of time before it travels to North America.

Canadians and Americans are known for being, well, pretty square when it comes to fashion. Sure, we’ve got New York and Toronto, L.A. and Vancouver. But the real style trends are coming out of Italy, France, Spain, and even to an extent, the U.K.

With the world becoming increasingly global, however, it only makes sense that North America is getting slightly better at following the latest trends. And the jewelry-fanatic styles from these far-off lands are making their way here with increasing speed.

Canadians and Americans want to look like their European counterparts. So when they see male models strutting down Milan catwalks wearing stunning bangles or stars on Instagram hitting the slopes in northern Italy with their favorite custom men’s bracelets on, it’s only natural that New York bracelets for men sky rocket in sales.

  1. Men want to express themselves — just like women. 

In fashion, it’s widely known that women usually get to have all the fun.

Women are the makers and primary wearers of makeup, skirts and dresses, high heels, unique hats, and of course, jewelry. But things are changing. Men want to be able to express themselves using pieces such as these too — and they are.

Whereas it was once only acceptable for men to don black suits, black shoes, and black hats (maybe trading a few black items for brown or navy every once in a while), men are now back on the fashion scene with more color, shine, glam, and glitz than ever before.

Even in normal workplaces and on the streets (not just on European runways), you’ll see New York bracelets for men being worn, rings donning every finger on one hand, and custom men’s bracelets and necklaces hanging proudly in shop store windows. Of course, all of these things are online too. In fact, the Internet has some of the best, most high-end jewelry dealers for men — many of which are European.

  1. Jewelry can be sentimental — a lot like tattoos. 

Whereas in recent years, women have had the monopoly on jewelry, heels, skirts, and dresses, men were the basic keepers of another ornamental fashion piece: tattoos.

For centuries, males have worn tattoos to show their time spent in war, accomplishments in battle, and other personal memories or unique experiences.

And while tattoos don’t seem to be going anywhere soon, it’s still true that they are being rather replaced in some regards by jewelry.

Women often wear jewelry to show sentimentality and personal experiences too. A woman might pick up a ring from an exotic vacation she takes. She may receive a beautiful necklace handed down from her grandmother. Even women’s wedding rings are more ornate and detailed than men’s and therefore seem to mean more to women. But men also want to show these personal feelings through their jewelry, and today, more than ever, they are.

  1. Like clothing pieces, men want one-of-a-kind, handcrafted pieces for their wardrobe.

These days, New York men and others in North American are also looking for more one-of-a kind, custom men’s bracelets and other jewelry.

In recent decades, if men wore jewelry at all, it was generally generic. A wedding band couldn’t really be expanded upon or detailed in any unique way. Or if a man wore a necklace, for example, it was a simple chain — nothing more. But basic, boring jewelry pieces have no personality and therefore, cannot truly be one-of-a-kind or made of any particular handcrafted quality.

Fortunately, things are changing. In 2018, a unique and specific bracelet design for man may be given as a graduation present, for example. Similarly, a man may decide to purchase a wedding ring with diamonds that is more than just a simple, flat band. These one-of-a-kind pieces are highly lauded in today’s society, and handcrafted custom men’s bracelets, unique necklaces, and stylish rings are selling more than ever before.

Getting in On the Jewelry Game

For men who aren’t used to donning high-end, one-of-a-kind jewelry, here are some tips for getting in on the game.

To begin with, no matter what your profession, how you generally style yourself, or what you usually wear for jewelry, go bigger, go bolder, and experiment with new styles. Men — like women — should be able to express themselves through their jewelry. So have numerous options in terms of custom men’s bracelets, necklaces, rings, and more. Wear different pieces each day, depending on your mood, outfit, and where you’re going. Try new things. Look to Instagram’s trendsetters to see examples of styles — there are plenty.

Next, don’t opt for low-end pieces. They won’t last. Their low quality will be apparent from the get-go, and ultimately, you’ll waste your money. Choose high-end New York bracelets for men and other pieces that shout quality, handcrafted style, and uniqueness.

Sauro is a great place to start. This European luxury jewelry collection contains only the highest-quality precious metals and stones, fit into gorgeous handcrafted pieces that are seen incredibly often in European men’s fashions. They are essentially the go-to source for men’s jewelry in Italy, France, and Spain.

Start with these style tips, and remember — jewelry isn’t just for women anymore. 2018 is the year of men’s jewelry. Be on the cutting edge.

