4 Fashion Accessories That Every Man Needs to Stay Classy & Unique

4 Fashion Accessories That Every Man Needs to Stay Classy & Unique

Obviously, a fashion-forward male needs to own suits to remain stylish. Additionally, men need to own accessories to accent their look. While the right cuff links will enhance a man’s style,
men’s bangles, men’s bracelets and men’s diamond rings should be a staple in a man’s wardrobe. Take a look at our list below for all the accessory tips you need:


Loafers aren’t the same as they once were. Today, they’re still comfortable, but they’re become much more stylish. The styles nowadays are classier. Men can wear loafers with a suit and still look professional. They’re versatile, so a man can wear them with a less dressy ensemble as well. The design of today’s loafers feature rubber soles in many cases, so they don’t wear out easily. They look chic while still remaining comfortable (no more “loafer blisters”). They’re able to be worn to work or to go out. They’re functional and fashionable.


Any male who wants to accessorize and do it well should buy a classy men’s necklace. Beaded necklaces are becoming incredibly popular among stylish men. Men’s necklaces aren’t just a trend for the summer, either. This trend is expected to continue well into 2018.

Men’s bracelets are growing in popularity and in 2017, bangles aren’t just for women. Today, men’s bangles are not just acceptable but are very much in style. They truly give a man’s outfit and look a distinct character. The day’s where men only wore watches on their wrists are well past us. Looking for a trend you thought you’d NEVER see…the men’s diamond ring. Fashion-forward men may want to invest in a men’s diamond ring as they are surely gaining momentum with the elegant, yet masculine options available from brands like Sauro.

A Belt to Match Every Shoe in a Man’s Closet

Matching accessories is just as important to looking your best as matching an outfit. It’s fashionably unacceptable to pair a black belt with brown shoes and vice versa. That’s why it’s important for every man to own a belt that matches every pair of shoes in his closet. It’s important to match both the metal and the color. As a general fashion rule, a man should own a leather belt in the same hue as his leather dress shoes. On the casual side, sneakers match best with a narrow canvas belt.


Sunglasses aren’t just stylish; they’re functional. The sun increases a person’s risk of certain eye conditions that could result in blindness. A man needs to own at least one pair of sunglasses for style and protection, but it doesn’t hurt to own more than one to ensure your sunglasses match your outfit. Keep in mind, larger glasses may work well with a simple outfit, but smaller shades look best with outfits with more intricate features or embellishments.

It’s evident that the world of men’s fashion is changing drastically. More importance is being placed on the jewelry and other accessories a man wears. By purchasing loafers, sunglasses and jewelry as well as learning to how to match your accessories, a man can develop a personal style that’s modern and, most importantly, unique to his personality.
