Do Fragrance and Fashion Go Hand in Hand?

Do Fragrance and Fashion Go Hand in Hand?

Fragrance is often suggested as the ultimate gift for any man. Yet it’s not a gift that is easily purchased, and that’s largely because scent is such a personal thing to so many people. For some, it may be a symbol of status, a connotation of well-being, or a signature that he leaves when he exits the room.

Figure It Out First

Light and sporty, crisp and polished, airy and bright. Many of these terms are just as effusively used to describe personal style. It’s no wonder, then, that fragrance can easily tie into that equation. What a man considers his “signature look” may best be finished with a “signature scent” that wears like a second skin. It’s a natural part of his day, as much a part of his routine as lathering up with heady soap. The possibilities are truly endless, yet by narrowing down the options to a few select scents it becomes much easier to figure out which works best. Fragrances play differently on different people, and that’s an element of body chemistry that is often mystifying. Not at all confusing, though, is the fact that some scents simply smell better on some men than others.

Give It Meaning

Sometimes a man doesn’t choose the fragrance—the fragrance selects him purely by chance. Could this then be considered scent by proxy? Maybe so, especially if it’s a specific cologne that is with him when he goes on the first date with the love of his life or lands a job he’s dreamed about for years. The role of fragrance in our lives is decidedly underplayed, and it’s often not until we encounter a certain scent again that we relive those special moments and realize its importance. It all comes back to the scent choosing the man. Sometimes the “signature” is all in his life experiences and the indelible instances that shaped who he is today.

Is it any wonder that the fragrance industry is simply booming? With thousands of options at hand, there’s conceivably a scent available for every facet of a man’s life—and no matter his penchant for fashion, he’s likely to find at least one that truly works for him. Does it matter, then, if the fragrance actually matches his personal style? In a word: yes.
