How Sauro Came to Be

How Sauro Came to Be

Gold, much like other heavy elements, made its way to earth from a “cataclysmic event” in the universe. It’s theorized that two neutron stars collided following an immense supernova of a star that was estimated to be 10X larger than the sun.

This supernova caused the formation of heavy elements that made their way to earth, with gold being the product. What’s amazing is that a cataclysmic event in the universe, one that would have been perilous to life on earth at the time, produced something so valued by those who inhabited the planet so many million years after its arrival.

Gold is rare in the universe, let alone on earth. Much like Sauro, a men’s jewellery company that specializes in using gold, diamonds and other materials. Sauro itself came to be following “cataclysmic” events that the Sedazzari family, the company’s founders, now realize were part of the tension that helped form a globally recognized brand that epitomizes luxury and success.

Their passion for their work is equally as rare as the element that, along with the world’s finest diamonds and gemstones, provides the physical manifestation for the luxury and class their brand is now synonymous with.

The collision that created Sauro was a combination of existential and professional hardships and the reigniting of their passion for the industry. The Sedazzari family has long been engrained in the world of jewellery and design.

They had a company called Creso, a hub for design that dissolved after an illustrious run that made their family name a trusted one among their peers. That moment in time, admittedly, caused a brief sadness and even a time away from the beloved work that fuels Sauro designer Jacopo Sedazzari.

That break wouldn’t last long however, as the urging of associates who understood the passion that went into Sedazzari’s life’s work ignited a flame that, truly, can never be extinguished. Describing the materials he uses, that passion shines brightly in Sauro designer Jacopo Sedazzari.

“A gem comes not from an occasional meeting between taste, craft, tradition, and previous materials, but by identification of a real conceptual matrix capable of generating unlimited sequences of objects. A jewel is the result of continuous research, intuition, and synthesis,” says Sedazzari. That sentiment could also be used for their company.

While the Sauro brand is symbolized by their Golden Horse, it’s another myth that seems to be attached to the people behind the brand. Much like the Phoenix, the Sedazzari’s rose from the ashes and now soar proudly as heads of one of the most respected men’s jewellery brands on the planet.

In the time between Creso and Sauro, the family was emboldened by the realization that only a slight transformation was needed to connect wearable art with people across the globe. It’s plain to see that Sauro was always the family’s destiny, a reality that has manifested itself in the present as the success Sauro has achieved shines brightly in the jewellery industry and around the necks and wrists of successful men worldwide.

What’s never changed throughout their history is the family’s understanding of jewellery’s place in our lives – never of utter importance but a luxury we all should strive to own. Both, as a symbol for success and as a representation of a life lived with vigour and passion.

Sauro Jewellery is timeless and embodies everything great about the indomitable human spirit. The same spirit that resides in each of the men who wear their jewellery proudly as they tackle all of life’s challenges with style and dignity.
