The Science of Dressing Your Best

The Science of Dressing Your Best

With studies showing that dressing up for work boosts employee productivity, it makes one wonder what is possible for their productivity if they happen to throw on a blazer before entering the office. So how did these studies make this assessment? Well, the studies ran simulated professional meetings that utilized subjects who wore casual clothing or professional clothing. After the studies were conducted, it was discovered that the individuals wearing professional clothing had raised confidence, others perceived them with higher regard, and some cases even discovered that the attire boosted the individual’s abstract thought process.

Sharp Dressing Studies

It was Michael W. Kraus who co-wrote the 2014 study for the Journal of Experimental Psychology. Kraus, who is an assistant professor through the Yale School of Management, discovered that clothing associated with high social statuses can increase job performance and increase dominance in individuals when taking on competitive tasks. To make a case for his study, Kraus utilized 128 men with diverse backgrounds who were between the ages of 18 through 32. He then put the candidates through various exercises and mock negotiations to see if their wardrobe had any influence on the outcomes of the situations. By having one group wearing dress shoes and business suits, another group wearing plastic sandals and a white tee shirt, and a third group wearing what they arrived in, Kraus could reach a conclusion for his study.

Suiting Up

Kraus gave group 3 (the group dressed in the clothing they arrived in) a fair-market value for the mock business group 1 and 2 worked for. In addition to this, group 3 was given other information that would back their asking prices and opening bids.

Once the mock decisions were finished, it was discovered that the individuals wearing the suits were less willing to concede during their decisions. The suits were only moving off of their initial offer by an average of $830,000, with the individuals in sweatpants moving off of their offer by $2.81 million.

Kraus’ study proved that wearing professional attire sends signals that “you’re successful and you’re confident in what you are doing”. The ones who happened to be wearing casual clothing were more likely to back down in the event that they were pressured.

Dressing Sharp: Internal & External Power

A study recently published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science discovered that individuals are more likely to engage in high levels of abstract thinking if they’re dressed up (which is in comparison to wearing casual clothing). With the study using 361 participants, it was discovered that the ones asked to complete tasks in formal attire were more engaged in abstract thought (which is commonly found in positions of power). During the same study, it was also noticed that the individuals dressed in casual attire were more likely to sweat small, irreverent issues.

The Power of Dressing Up

Michael L. Slepian is a postdoctoral research scholar who noticed that whenever one needs to think about the big picture or needs to think creatively, dressing formally is the way to accomplish such efforts. Whether it be feeling more confident or feeling more powerful, it has been discovered that dressing formal doesn’t make one focus (or stress) on the details.

Slepian also discovered that offices with casual or relaxed dress code can be more effective in the event that formal clothing is introduced. However, the types of formal attire you should wear depends on who you talk to and the first industry you work in. Thankfully, there’s plenty of fashion consultants who are more than willing to offer insight that could be applied to any industry one works in.

Where To Draw The Line

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as dressing too nice for the office. Annie Brumbaugh (known as the founder of AB Wardrobe Works) notes that you don’t want to dress up too much, as it can make everyone else working in your office uncomfortable. For example: if you’re a woman, a tailored jacket for a meeting might be too much. For men, a full suit can come off as too strong in certain scenarios. If you don’t plan on changing your entire wardrobe, a new pair of dress shoes or some tailored clothing might do the trick.

How To Top It Off

Now we all know that a tailored suit can go a long way, but there’s a few things that one can do to turn heads and command a room. Such excellent touches one can add to their look would be:

– The Minisphera Diamonds Bracelet – The Minisphera Diamond Bracelet is a brilliant touch to any suit combination. These diamond men’s bracelet are the route to pursue if you plan on impressing.

– The Bangle – The Bangle is a classic touch to any outfit. Once you put on this men’s gold bangle bracelet, you might not want to take it off again.

 The Big Leather Bracelet – The Big Leather Bracelet is a manly luxury leather bracelet that will frequently turn heads.- The Big Leather Bracelet is a manly luxury leather bracelet that will frequently turn heads.

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